Is your team struggling with nutrition?
We have worked closely with several of the teams here at NAU and would love to work with your team too!
Schedule a nutrition education session where a member of our team will teach your athletes about nutrition and fueling.
Student athletes love learning about nutrition when food is involved! We love collaborating with coaches to plan cooking demonstrations and team dinners.
Body Composition Testing:
Students will undergo assessment on the SECA 515/415 Medical Body Composition Analyzer also known as seca mBCA. This device is non-invasive and accurately records height, weight, and numerous calculated variables such as Phase Angle, Fat Mass, and Fat Free Mass via bioelectrical impedance. This data can be used to assess metabolic activity, determine energy consumption, energy reserves, determine fluid status and most importantly, the general state of health of the student athlete.
ASA 24 hr Diet Recalls:
Food and beverage consumption over the last 24 hours is reported. The information is then entered into the ASA-24 program that analyzes caloric intake by meal and whether or not the athletes achieved the target amount of various food groups that they should be consuming. These food groups include grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein foods. In addition to food groups, this program calculates various nutrients and whether or not athletes are reaching the target amounts, or are over or underfueling. Common deficiencies among athletes in the past include, Vitamin D, Iron, and Choline, and Omega 3’s.